What an incredible story Arthur has. He shares how now he is convinced that he has forgiveness for his past, peace in the present, and a hope for the future. God is so big that he is able to see the bigger picture of our situations, and he has real power to help us.
Are you interested to hear more about this God Arthur talks about, who has power to change your life? Below you will find four videos which describe four major aspects of the Christian faith and an invitation to respond for yourself.
1. Created
2. Sin
3. Jesus
4. Invited
Would you like to pray to follow Jesus, to trust his power? If this prayer below reflects your heart, you can pray it yourself.
All-Powerful God, I need you. I confess that I have rejected your rule and sought life apart from you. Thank you for sending Jesus to free me from sin and Satan’s power through his death and resurrection. I give my allegiance to Jesus as my only source of life and power.
I desire to be filled with your Holy Spirit and to follow you with my whole being. Make me the person you want me to be to serve your good purposes on the earth. Amen
Did you pray this prayer? Do let us know, we’d love to hear from you.
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Not sure yet? That’s okay. Get in touch in the message box below if you’d like to chat more!