How to Know God?


An invitation requires a response, its nature is opportunity, not imposition.

Jesus offers the choice to pursue relationship with God, to trust God, or not.

Christianity is the opposite of the self-help culture, as it points solely to Jesus Christ as the resolution, and away from self love. We are not our own solution.


Jesus is God’s initiative, the ball now is in your court. The choice to believe in Jesus, becoming a Christian, has the following elements:

Agreement with the biblical theory of sin and separation. I am not my own solution.

Trust– a movement of the heart, that Jesus is the solution to my separation from God. I must trust in God.

Choosing to follow. We all follow something, some idea, or desire. Accepting and trusting in Jesus begins a pattern of new choices in life.



Have you ever thought about Jesus’ death and resurrection as an invitation requiring a response?  

What do you think about the idea that “not choosing is still a choice”? Have you seen that play out in other situations in your life?  

You could also simply accept the invitation for a relationship with God. You can do so right now through talking to God in prayer. God is not so concerned with your specific words as he is with the attitude of your heart. Here’s a suggested prayer: 

“Jesus, I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive your invitation for forgiveness and relationship with you. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me the fullness of life. Make me the kind of person you want me to be.” 


There are a couple ways you could respond to God’s invitation in small steps:  

-Consider praying and asking God to show you if he’s real and if Jesus’ resurrection is true.  

-Find a Christian and ask them how their faith in Jesus impacts their day-to-day life. 

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